Imp Note : Yoga Alliance has Approved the Yoga Teacher Trainings to be held Completely Online
SSV Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Authorized Provider of Online Teacher Trainings
There is No Difference between In-person and Online Trainings , Even on Certificate.
Why Should I Become a Certified International Yoga Teacher?
Rated 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yoga Alliance
Create an Impact
Forget Boring & Unfulfilling Jobs and give a real purpose to your life.
Yoga teaching offers Meaning and Purpose to your and your students Life.
Help students achieve Flexibility, Strength, Relive Stress and Restore their Health.
Become a Respected Leader in your Community.
Live life on your own terms.
Teach online or choose from studios, gyms or fitness center.
Lot of opportunities to teach in schools, medical facilities and sports clubs as well.
Vibrant Peer Group
Have a vibrant peer group that is
Health oriented, passionate about learning and adventurous.
A positive peer group will help bring out the best parts of you.
Amazing Career Opportunities
CNN ranked ‘Yoga Instructor’ as one of the top 10 career on list of top 100 jobs
Median pay of around $ 50-75 per hour
Great demand than supply of qualified yoga instructors making it an amazing career option.
Adventure & Travel
Becoming a Certified International Yoga Teacher
Gives opportunity to travel around the globe.
Teach on cruise ships, yachts, health resorts and 5 star hotels.
Great opportunity to work and an excuse to travel around the globe.
Be Your Own Boss / a freelancer.
Setup own classes, workshops, retreats or open a studio.
Complete freedom to choose your own path.
Online Self-Paced 300 Hr Advanced (7 Styles) & Ayurveda Teacher Training Course
Suitable for Students & Yoga Teachers with Foundation Level Yoga Practice
300 Hr Advanced (7 Styles ) Yoga Teacher Training Course
Is for those Students and Yoga Teachers who
Completed their 200 Hour Foundation Yoga Teacher Training &
Want to Deepen their personal and teaching practice
On Completing 200 & 300 Hr Yoga Teacher Trainings
You become 500 hour Master Yoga Teacher
500 Hr Yoga Teacher is the Highest Credential you can get from a Yoga Alliance certified yoga school.
500 Hr Yoga Teacher Designation shows that
You are an Advanced level Yoga Teacher and helps
Stand out from crowd of 200 Hr yoga teachers.
300 Hr also Deepens your own Personal & Teaching practice
Learn, Practice & Teach 7 Yoga Styles including :
Restorative, Yin, Chair, Ashtanga, Power,
Intermediate & Advanced (Hatha, Vinyasa)
With Several other modules - Full details below in syllabus !
Note - Advanced Poses will be taught but they will be optional for your practice and exams, you will not be judged for test on basis of advanced poses. The main aim of 300 Hr Advanced Training is to teach you 7 Different Styles of Yoga - Deepen your yoga asanas, breathing, meditation, philosophy & lifestyle practices and help you become a better teacher.
Featured SSV Yoga Graduates
Rated 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yoga Alliance

IS Online Training for Me ?
SSV Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Authorized provider of Online Yoga Teacher Trainings
No difference between In-Person and Online Yoga Teacher Trainings even on certificate
Initially before the start of pandemic we never believed that yoga training can be taught online
But with over 3 + years of experience in successfully conducting Online Yoga Teacher Trainings
Having Hundreds of Graduates worldwide (45 + Countries & 6 Continents )
We can confidently answer 'YES'
Flexibility - Ability to do your yoga training and get your certification along with 9-5 Job
No need to Leave your Job ,kids or other commitments to get away for a month long in person training
Self Paced- No pressure to complete your training within 3 weeks.
Take your own time to practice and learn for your yoga training journey
Option to watch videos and practice as many times you want
Create and Go at your own Pace and Schedule
Mobility - All you need is just an Internet Connection and laptop/tablet
Practice anytime and from anywhere in the world
Easy on The Pockets - Quality In person training cost excess of $3500,
Get same content and certification at a cost-effective price
Who Will Correct Me ?
Full Support & Accountability -
We provide 3 Tier Student Support , so you never feel left out
Optional Zoom Live Classes (Weekends) always recorded for reference
Support via Email
Option to send photos , videos for evaluation for personalized feedbacks
300 Hr Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus
Rated 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yoga Alliance
Note - Advanced Poses will be taught but they will be optional for your practice and exams, you will not be judged for test on basis of advanced poses. The main aim of 300 Hr Advanced Training is to teach you 7 Different Styles of Yoga - Deepen your yoga asanas, breathing, meditation, philosophy & lifestyle practices and help you become a better teacher.
Most Comprehensive 300 Hr Course Available
Yoga Asanas 7 Styles
(Learn, Practice & Teach)
Bonus: 200 Hr Refresher Foundation Asana Module included
Yin Yoga Training
Restorative Yoga Training
Chair Yoga Training
Classical & Authentic Hatha Yoga (Intermediate & Advanced)
Modern Vinyasa Flow Yoga (Intermediate & Advanced)
Power Yoga Training
Ashtanga Yoga Training
Learn to practice and teach - with detailed How to Do, Correct Alignment & Adjustment of 200 + Asanas across different styles
Learn Modifications & Use of Props for injuries / limitations
Science of Preparatory and Counter poses
Benefits, Contraindications of Poses
Learn Art of Cueing, Sequencing, Demonstration and Transitions
Guided Practice (For Each of the 7 Styles) integrated with Breath & Counts
Outcome: Will be able to confidently practice and teach various yoga styles and asanas (safely and effectively) as per your preference
Relieve Pain, Stress and Stiffness
Improve Strength, Stamina, Flexibility
Enjoy all the benefits that come with guided mindful yoga practice
Advanced Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
Bonus: 200 Hr Refresher Foundation Pranayama (Breathing) Module included
Learn to practice and teach in detail All Major Yoga Breathing Techniques (18)
Includes: Natural Breathing, Deep Breathing, Abdominal Breathing, Thoracic Breathing, Clavicular Breathing, Yogic Breathing
Kapalabhati Breathing (Skull Shining Breath), Bhastrika Breathing (Bellows Breath) , Ujjayi Breathing (Victorious Breath)
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan), Solar Breath (Surya Bhedi), Lunar Breath (Chandra Bhedi)
Humming Bee Breath (Bhramari), Cooling Breath (Sheetali , Sheetkari)
Breath Retention - Internal and External (Kumbhaka)
4 Major Bandhas: Mula Bandha (Root Lock), Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock), Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock), Maha Bandha
Mudras (Hand Seals / Gestures) for Pranayama
Learn to Sequence and Integrate Pranayama Techniques with Asana, Meditation and in daily life
Science of Benefits & Contraindications
Guided Practice of Breathing Techniques with Counts, Ratios
Confidently practice and teach major breathing techniques (safely and effectively) as per your preference
Learn to Breathe & Utilize Lungs Efficiently
Unlock Dormant Pranic Energy
Release stress, anxiety and tension to calm mind and body with these ancient techniques
Advanced Yogic Meditation & Mindfulness
Learn, Practice and Teach
(18) Yogic Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques with detailed - How to Do, Guided Practice and Teaching Scripts
Includes: Empty Bowl, Manifestation, Body Scan, Gazing, 7 Chakra, Mantra, Healing, Sound Meditation
Breath Awareness, Counting Breath, Mindfulness, Loving Kindness, Positive Affirmations, Imagery, Gratitude, Letting Go, Visualization, Meditation for Stress & Anxiety
Yoga Nidra (Deep Yogic Meditative State)
Guided Practice & Teaching Scripts (For Above Techniques)
Learn to Sequence and Integrate these techniques with Asana, Pranayama and in daily life
Meditation Guidelines & Tips regarding preparation, posture, time, place, journal
Confidently practice and teach meditation and mindfulness techniques ranging from 10 - 60 minutes (safely and effectively) as per your preference
Experience Real Time Benefits of Practice
Remove Blockages (Mental & Emotional)
Yogic Healing
Increased Awareness
Discovery of Mental Peace, Inner Calmness & Happiness
Release negativity, stress and anxiety
Advanced Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle + Ayurveda
Bonus: 200 Hr Refresher Foundation Yoga History & Philosophy Module included
Bonus: Ayurveda L1 Course Included
Learn in-depth about History, Origin and Attributes of Different Styles of Yoga
Relationship between Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
Advanced Study of the Ancient Yoga Texts: Shree Bhagavad Gita
Advanced Philosophy pertaining to the Yoga Sutras (4 Chapters)
Practical Applications of these ancient Philosophy & Lifestyle Principles on and off the mat
Living Life as a Yogi (adapted to modern times)
Incorporating the principles as a yoga teacher
Equity in Yoga & Its Universal Approach
Imp. Self- Reflection and Contemplation Tools
Advanced Teaching Techniques
Bonus: 200 Hr Refresher Foundation Teaching Yoga Module included
Learn how to teach to Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Mix Level classes
How to Teach Different Styles of Yoga
How to Modify for Common Injuries and Limitations
Advanced Alignment and Sequencing Principles
Advanced Class Themes
Ethics & Yoga as Profession
Time Management Skills & Sequencing a Complete Class including Breathwork and Meditation
Demonstration, Observation & Correction
Real Time Teaching Experience
Personalized Feedback & Review
How to start your own yoga studio / classes
Organizing Workshops & Retreats
Marketing Tips & Strategies to maximize your earning potential
Consultation from Marketing Experts
Functional Yoga Anatomy, Physiology & Biomechanics
Bonus: 200 Hr Refresher Foundation Yoga Anatomy Module included
Shared Anatomical and Alignment principles for different asana categories plus contraindications
Functional Anatomy: Joint Mobility and Stabilization for preparation of advanced asanas
Anatomy behind preparatory and counter poses
Concept of Tension & Compression and its practical application
Working with Injuries: Detailed guide on how to prevent and modify for injuries across hips, knees, back, shoulders, wrists and neck
Contraindications, Misalignments,
Adaptations -
Detailed Anatomy breakdown: analysis guide of Different Advanced Asanas
Eastern Yoga Anatomy: Science of Subtle Bodies in depth: 5 Bodies/Koshas, 7 Chakras, 3 Nadis (Subtle Energy Channels), 5 Prana Vayus (Vital Life Force)
Yin Yoga Anatomy: Yin and Yang in anatomy (Chi, Meridians, Connective Tissues, Ligaments, Tendons, Fascia, Joints), Importance of Contracture, Gravity and Rest
How Your Training Journey Works
STEP 1: Start by Filling Up Application Form
Start with Application Form by filling out relevant details.
You will receive Acceptance Email with details within 1-7 Hours of application
Check your Inbox for email if not then look in spam / promotions/ junk folder or contact us for status update.
You can then Pay to complete your registration.
Once paid you will get detailed email with information including
Access to Platform - Course Videos, Notes, & class schedule
Alternate to Step 1
As an Alternative to Step 1
You could Directly PAY & Register to Start your Course
STEP 2: Start Your Yoga Training Journey
After Payment & registration you can start with your Yoga Training immediately.
Complete your course within 8-12 Weeks or take upto 2 years to complete course, assignments & final exam .
Classes will be mix of Pre-recorded videos and Optional Zoom Live Guided Practice , Q&A sessions.
All sessions are recorded for future reference.
Step 3: Graduation & Certification
To receive the widely recognized Yoga Alliance 300 Hr Yoga Teacher certificate
Complete your course, assignments and also submit video teaching as a yoga teacher for final exam.
Complete course within 8-12 Weeks or take upto 2 years to complete course, assignments & final exam
On clearing your exam you will get certificate in PDF format and you are a Certified Yoga Teacher
With the certification you can register with Yoga Alliance as 300 Hr RYT or Registered Yoga Teacher
If You have already completed 200 Hr then you can register as 500 Hr RYT
Upon Successful Completion of the Course & Exam Evaluation
You will receive a 300-hour Yoga Teacher Certificate (Pdf Format)
There is no difference between In person and Online Certification
You can Register with Yoga Alliance as a 300 Hr RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher)
If you have already completed 200 Hr then you become 500 Hr Yoga Teacher
Teach as a professional certified yoga teacher all over the world.
In ADDITION to Yoga Teacher Certification you will also get
SSV Yoga Ayurveda Level-1 Certification
(If you choose Diamond / Ruby Plan)
*Bonus scheme applicable since 1 Jan 2022
Click to find our Yoga Alliance Profile

Investing in your OWN Self
Health , Lifestyle, Career & Professional education
Is Best Investment Decision you can make in your life.
Most graduates earn-back their tuition within a few weeks of teaching as a Certified Yoga Teacher
The health and lifestyle benefits are Life -Changing
*This Yoga Instructor Training Course costs a lot more physically,
Due to solidarity with current world situation we are offering once a lifetime opportunity to do online version at discounted prices.(See Prices in Table Below)
Note*: There will be separate evaluation charges of USD $65 for evaluation of final exam.
1 Day free Trial Available
The Quality, Efforts and Experience of Teachings
Reflects in the price of our Professional training courses.
"Price is what you pay and value is what you get".
Get Authentic & Premium content and learn from the best.
This is not just another cheap course but a life & career changing 'INVESTMENT'.
So Invest wisely today to transform your Career, Health, Lifestyle tomorrow.
Students & Graduates across 6 Continents & 45+ Countries.
Read our AUTHENTIC Graduate Reviews and learn about their life transforming experiences
Coupon Code: YOGA300
Read About Bonus Plans Below :
Free Bonus
worth ($ 999)
Bonus Pack 1
300 Hr Premium
Program ($ 1800)
Ayurveda Level 1 Course with certification
Restorative Yoga Training
Yin Yoga Training
Chair Yoga Training
Power Vinyasa Yoga Training
Ashtanga Yoga Training
Chakra Therapy Course
Stress and Anxiety Management Course
Personal Certified Mentor to guide and support you through the course
Personalized Yoga Marketing & Business Consultancy with Expert
Personalized Ayurveda Consultancy with expert
Advanced Poses
50+ Free Ready Class Sequences to teach
Free Yoga Instructor Resume & Cover letter Templates
Yoga Marketing Consultancy
Free Sample Waiver of Liability
Free Sample new Yoga Client intake & health history form
Chance to win SSV Graduate+ Exclusive Mentor-ship Program
Free Bonus
worth ($ 999)
Bonus Pack 2
300 Hr Premium Plus
Program ($ 2100)
Ayurveda Level 1 Course with certification
Restorative Yoga Training
Yin Yoga Training
Chair Yoga Training
Power Vinyasa Yoga Training
Ashtanga Yoga Training
Lifetime Access to Course and Updates
1 Free Personalized Yoga Website Design
Chakra Therapy Course
Stress and Anxiety Management Course
Personal Certified Mentor to guide and support you through the course
Personalized Yoga Marketing & Business Consultancy with Expert
Personalized Ayurveda Consultancy with expert
Advanced Poses
50+ Free Ready Class Sequences to teach
Free Yoga Instructor Resume & Cover letter Templates
Yoga Marketing Consultancy
Free Sample Waiver of Liability
Free Sample new Yoga Client intake & health history form
Chance to win SSV Graduate+ Exclusive Mentor-ship Program
Date & Schedule
Date for Upcoming Online Multistyle 300 hours YTTC
Sample Schedule
The course is Self-Paced i.e
Make your own schedule and practice at your own pace & convenience.
It will not be fully recorded ,
Optional Zoom Live Guided Practice & Interactive Q&A Doubt sessions (On Weekends)
Always recorded in case you miss or for future reference
Full Student Support ( Via Live Weekend Sessions + Email )
Course Duration is 8-12 Weeks but you have option to take upto 2 years